Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Daily Devotion: A Tip About Understanding

MacArthur in Manila, Philippines 
c.945 (Source Wikipedia)
Bible Reading: Acts 8:26-32

Key Verse: Verse 30 – “And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?”

Key Words: Understandest thou what thou readest

The story is told of General Douglas MacArthur, famed American general, who faced a difficult class at West Point when he studied there. As he tells it, "The first section was studying the time-space relationship later formulated by Einstein as his Theory of Relativity. The text was complex and, being unable to comprehend it, I committed the pages to memory. When I was called upon to recite, I solemnly reeled off almost word for word what the book said. Our instructor, Colonel Fieberger, looked at me somewhat quizzically and asked, 'Do you understand this theory?' It was a bad moment for me, but I did not hesitate in replying, 'No, sir.' You could have heard a pin drop. I braced myself and waited. And then the slow words of the professor: 'Neither do I, Mr. MacArthur. Section dismissed.'"

The problem is not in our lack of understanding, the problem is when we refuse to understand.

The story in Acts 8 with the eunuch reminds us that it’s our responsibility to make salvation “understandable.” But it is the lost person’s responsibility to “want” to understand.

What to do:
✞ Our responsibility is to make the Gospel clear and understandable.

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