Monday, April 17, 2017

Daily Devotion: The Dating Years

Bible Reading: Proverbs 18

Key Verse: Verse 22 - “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD."

Key Words: Whoso findeth a wife

One of the most trying times in raising our children is the dating years. This time is trying for the teens because they are under peer pressure to date, and trying to the parents because of the trials produced by dating. The purpose of this devotion is to help both parents and teens through the dating process from a Biblical perspective.

The Purpose of Dating
The purpose of dating is actually given to us in Proverbs 18:22, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing.”

The reason you date is to find a mate. You should be looking for the following in the dating process.
a. Those who agree with you spiritually (II Cor 6:14, Amos 3:3).
b. Those who are not self-centered.
c. Those who are submissive and loving (Ephes 5:22, 25).

The average persons says, “I’ll marry them, they’ll change.” No, they won’t!! So the reason you date is to find a mate.

The Push to Date
There is so much pressure today to “date.” So at what age should my child begin the dating process? Well, I certainly am no “know-it-all” in this area, but I once again take you back to Proverbs 18:22, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing.” If the reason we date is to find a mate, then I must ask at what age is marriage permissible? 15? Probably not. 16? I think not. 17? No, not really. I certainly cannot give you an exact age; but always remember, your child is dating to find a mate, whether you believe it or not. So at what age is marriage OK with you as a parent?

The Process of Dating
Now I know I’m old-fashioned, but I do believe it is a Bible principle that the male should be the aggressor in the process, not the female. The Scripture does say, “Whoso findeth a wife.” The man is to be the aggressive one. Always remember that a male has to feel as though he has conquered his prey. If the female catches the male, that desire to conquer his prey is still there and he, in all likelihood, will fulfill his desire on other women.

Please note, I’m not attempting to be all-knowing in this area, but after 45 years in the ministry, I do have a little wisdom here.

What to do:
✞ Apply Biblical principles to the dating and courting years. As a parent, obey your “red flags.”

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