Monday, February 8, 2021


Bible Reading: Proverbs 17:1-8

Key Verse: Verse 3 – "The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.”

Key Words: the fining pot is for silver

Have you given any consideration to the little things or what we consider the little things? Let me illustrate.

Verse 1 – what good is a freezer full of food if your family is in turmoil?

Verse 3 – what good is a purse full of silver without a refining pot?

Verse 8 – some gifts are better than a precious stone.

We often produce self-inflicted trials when we fail to consider the little things in life.

The words “Thank” and “Think” hail from the same root, reminding us that thanksgiving comes from thinking about our blessings.

Helen Keller once said, “I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during their early adult life. It would make him more appreciative of sight and the joys of sound.”

Former Senator Richard Neuberger once said the experience of contracting cancer changed him. “A change came over me which I believe is irreversible. Questions of prestige, of political success, of financial status, became all at once unimportant. In their stead has come a new appreciation of things I once took for granted – eating lunch with a friend, scratching Muffet’s ears and listening for his purr, the company of my wife, reading a book or magazine in the quiet cone of my bed lamp at night, raiding the refrigerator for a glass of orange juice or a slice of coffee cake. For the first time I think I am actually savoring life. I shudder when I remember all the occasions that I spoiled for myself – even when I was in the best of health – by false pride, synthetic values, and fancied slights.”

Stop each day and reflect on the little things in life – you’ll be glad you did.

What to do:

✞ Think and you’ll be thankful.

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